
Collagraph with chine colle, 40 x 21cm. Varied edition of 30.
Edition sold out.

This was the view from my home one late April evening. Looking out over the farmland below - where they were still lambing in the near-dark - across the Moray Firth to Ben Rinnes in the distance. The geese were heading north to their summer breeding grounds.

The title 'Homefaring' is an Anglicisation of the Shetland word, hamefarin', a welcome home celebration for Shetlanders returning to the island and particularly for a young couple who have married away.


Collagraph with chine colle, 40 x 21cm. Varied edition of 30.
Edition sold out.

This was the view from my home one late April evening. Looking out over the farmland below - where they were still lambing in the near-dark - across the Moray Firth to Ben Rinnes in the distance. The geese were heading north to their summer breeding grounds.

The title 'Homefaring' is an Anglicisation of the Shetland word, hamefarin', a welcome home celebration for Shetlanders returning to the island and particularly for a young couple who have married away.